I was at a work conference in San Diego the other day, and met a gentleman who is the owner of Red Therapy, a company that makes pretty substantial red light and NIR machines.
I told him about my condition, DSAP, and how people had been using various machines mostly purchased from China. But that the issue is that they aren’t very powerful and they’re small.. so it takes forever to do all of the sections of the body.
He sent me one to try out, hoping that it would work, so that the DSAP community would find a way to manage the condition (and I assume so he could get some sales, but that’s ok).
So I am starting the process today, to use the machine every day and to report back to the facebook group with results. I will keep a record of the photos I take here, so they’re all in one place.
By the way, here’s a link to the company that makes the machine. Red Therapy Co.
Results After 5 Continuous Weeks

I will be interested to see how it goes as I too have DSAP.
If my husbands legs arm etc were like yours..he would love it. Now 73 and has had multiple skin grafts to legs hand nose etc where DSAP has changed to BCC and SCC
We are in Brisbane Aust. His Dermaotologist has never seen anyone as bad as his DSAP.
Battle on trying new therapies with little or no change.
I live in the netherlands and it’s a rare disease here litte knowledgeI sometimes go to a suncenter with collageen light
I am note sure if the result is better but it feels nice
At a very young age The disease appeared 30 years so I am affraid for the future
Hi Diana, I live in the Netherlands as well. I’m using a red light machine now and are reseaching about grenz rays in Europe. It would be nice to get in touch maybe about solutions.
You may app me at 0617066636 if you like to be in touch. groetjes Dasja
I’m very interested in grenz ray treatment also but haven’t been able to locate anyone offering it. We live in Hawaii so having DSAP is a hindrance to my living the life I would like to here. If you locate anyone in Europe or anywhere else offering grenz ray treatment please let me know, as I would be willing to travel anywhere for it. I have ordered one of the Platinum LED lights so we’ll see how that works.
Just so you know, I noticed my spots when I was 22. Now, I’m 55. Slowly, over the years the have grown, but I’ve been freezing the worst off over the past 5 years and now it’s quite manageable. New lesions do appear and old ones do come back, but I freeze a few off every now and then and it’s fine. Nobody asks me what is wrong with my arms anymore. You can feel the lesions more than see them.
Your positivity really inspires me. I have a hard time dealing with this skin condition at times. It’s all consuming.
I’m interested to see how it does as well.
Very interested in seeing the results. I’m very self conscious of my arms because of DSAP, especially working in food service. Thank you for posting your progress!
Did any of the red light therapies help
Yes, it absolutely did help, I posted the photo in the article.
Are you using the 360 or 720 machine? Any noticeable improvement after a week?
Hi Jane,
I am using the smaller unit (because that is what the owner of that company let me borrow for this test) That being said, when I do my front side I get both my arms and entire torso (I don’t have DSAP on my torso, but the light is energizing) and then when I do my back I get from my butt down…
I have used it everyday since Friday, so that’s 5 times and no, no noticeable difference after 5 sessions, but I wasn’t expecting that. I am doing this for 2 months. Other people have said they started seeing some changes after 4 weeks of consistent use.
Hi Alex
Thank you for response. How long do you use it for each day? Is it in conjunction with a cream? I so hope you get the desired results. Let me know how you are doing. I also am looking at getting a Celluma Pro red light machine – trying to work out which is best.
I have been using it for about 20 minutes 5 times per week. I usually use a cream after.
We do have some discounts on red light machines if that would be helpful.
🇺🇸 In the USA
➡️1. Red Therapy Co.
>code: DSAP-INSTITUTE for $25 off. Shipping included in price (This is the one I have)
>This ship out of San Diego CA
➡️2. Platinum LED
>code: DSAP-SKIN for 5% off any products you buy and free shipping
>This is the recommended company from our very own RLT expert Mike Abbey
Both of these companies will ship internationally, but not for free
🇬🇧In the UK & Europe and rest of world
➡️3. Red Light Rising
>code: DSAP10 for 10% off plus free shipping + they donate 5% to a charity
>These ship out of England
> if you’re in North American or Aus/NZ they would come from China, free shipping
>Customer service: you can call the owner directly with questions, he said he would do that for our group. His name is Bryan and you can text him directly on whatsApp at 44 7479 361252
HI Jane, I did post my results after 5 weeks, they are in the article.
Tomorrow I will post after 6 weeks, I am very please with the results so far!
do you have any pictures of results longer than 5 weeks?
Alex we are eagerly awaiting your results!!! My condition looks very similar in severity as yours. So far the only thing that has worked for me is the tazarac/effudex combo – the results lasted about a year and a half. It didn’t eliminate the spots, but greatly diminished them. I am currently doing my second round of tazarac/effudex, and hope I get the same results as the first time.
Alex it’s so helpful that you are testing this, I have this condition & so wish there was a way to get rid of my lesion, that are multiplying & getting larger. I am in the UK, I now use 60 sunblock & cover my arms & legs during summer. Do you have the name of the Facebook page please.
Kind regards Lynn
Hi Lynn,
You can find the Facebook page by searching “DSAP Institute Private Forum” in Facebook groups.
Posting the link here as well:
It’s an incredibly positive and supportive group and you’ll find lots of ideas to help manage the condition.
hi jane ive had dsap for about 12 years and now im 67 7 ears ago i had double knee replacement here in perth wesstern australia i recieved about 2 litres of blood during the operation each scare are about 12 inches on each leg `
and to this day NO spots have grown back around the insition area but i do have dsap spots in other areas of my leg and arms the doctors and dermatolgist here in wa have never heard of dsap and dont seem to want to know about dsap so i have givein up i still wear shorts and t/shirts and dont spend to long in the sun so my thought to this is its in the blood stream and hope some scientist can work on this and come up with a solution kind regards kevin french 0411783457.